Spring Moments and Milestones

I feel like blogging has fallen by the wayside; time seems to be slipping through my fingers and I can hardly believe that we’re a quarter of the way through the year already – life is just so busy and full at the moment.

Our oldest daughter moved from nursery to pre-school at the start of the year, which has generally been a smooth transition. We still go to our sensory group together almost every week (which we’ve been going to since she was 6 months old), and I’ve also been taking her to playgym where she can play and experiment with gymnastics equipment. There have been regular trips to the swimming pool with her dad while I usually have a coffee and cuddle with the youngest. We bought her first pedal bike for her 3rd birthday, and with her typical determination she mastered pedaling, steering and braking in just a few days so we’ve been spending lots of time at the park while she practices cycling.

Our youngest – now 5 months old – is also hitting new milestones every day from giggling and rolling to teething. She’s still very petite, but a bright, cheerful and curious little baby. We’ve been going to Bookbug song and story sessions at the library (something I missed out on with my oldest during the pandemic) and we’ll start baby sensory soon but most of our days are still spent at home reading stories, singing nursery rhymes, playing and snuggling. Our daughters are fascinated by each other, and it won’t be long until they’ll become little playmates and friends.

Our senior lady, Mara, has spent most of winter hibernating, but she’s been a bit more active lately, wanting to play, snuggle up and curious to see what we’re up to. I’m so impressed with how well Mara’s coped with the upheaval two noisy little interlopers joining the family caused. Mara really is a very special cat, we’re lucky to have such a gentle, playful, affectionate and stoic family pet to teach them about caring and handling animals, and our little daughters adore her.

I’m so enjoying this period of family life as the baby and toddler stages are so brief and the girls’ milestones come thick and fast as they change and grow. I love having my blog to record all the details of daily life, and always enjoy looking back at older posts when I’m feeling nostalgic. Have a lovely week. X

8 thoughts on “Spring Moments and Milestones

  1. It is lovely to be with children of this age when they are discovering new things each day and the world is a wonder to them. We have just had our grandchildren to stay for Easter and have enjoyed every moment with them even though we are wiped out today!

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    1. Kids are great at reminding us to take life a little slower and to pay attention to the world around us. Sounds like lots of fun, but small kids have boundless energy so I often feel like I’m sustained by coffee and power naps! 🤣

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  2. Isn’t it crazy how fast they grow? Your girls are so lovely and I love Mara so much! She reminds me of the kitty I had growing up. My grandson is already three months. He is a fussy little guy but when he smiles, he just melts us. Happy spring to you and yours!

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    1. They change so much and so quickly in the first couple of years. My first was fussy too (she had terrible reflux and a lactose intolerance, and a very independent personality so I reckon she just hated being a baby, was much happier once the reflux resolved and she became mobile and verbal). Enjoy all the cuddles and smiles with your grandson. Xx


    1. Thank you. Mara’s always surprised us by how resilient she is, she’s cope with losing her first owner to the amputation of her tail, and now the addition of two little kids to our family. She’s borne it all with great stoicism!

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